On the other hand, the reasons for toshiba to drop the hd dvd biz in europe and the us, but to retain capability to fight blu-ray in china, are unclear. Toshiba which basically went into debt trying to persuade everyone their format (hd-dvd) was the next hd format has plete flip and is now supporting their rivals format. Toshiba said tuesday it will no longer develop, make or market hd dvd players and recorders, handing a victory to rival blu-ray disc technology in the format battle for next.

ar to peting blu-ray disc, which also uses the same cd-size ( mm diameter) optical data storage media and nm wavelength blue laser hd dvd is promoted by toshiba. Toshiba had promoted its "hd dvd format", pitting itself against the blu-ray system developed by sony and its partners, in petition characterised as a re-run of the vhs.

The battle is between sony?s blu-ray disc and toshiba?s hd-dvd claim to have a superior next-generation dvd format, (altvideodvd) paramount has a blu-ray day. Tokyo (reuters) - toshiba corp ( t ) is planning to give up on its hd dvd format for high definition dvds, conceding defeat to peting blu-ray technology backed by sony. We cover the latest blu-ray and hd news, reviews and more we have currently reviewed + blu-ray discs. As you can tell by now, the petitor to blu-ray technology is hd dvd, which is backed chiefly by toshiba hd dvd has been recognized as the only format of.

It s not exactly a headline any of us would have expected soon just a couple of years ago, but the former cheerleader of the hd dvd format, toshiba, has applied to join the blu-ray. Toshiba unveils blu-ray player, price, specs via a press release today, toshiba has put the final nail in hd dvd s coffin, unveiling their first blu-ray player, the bdx2000.

Among player manufacturers, sony, hitachi and philips favor blu-ray, while toshiba and nec support hd dvd toshiba led the effort in the creation of hd dvd. We all knew this day e following the death of his beloved hd dvd, toshiba couldn t stand the cold bed, the lonely nights and the tables for one.

Have alerted blu- that toshiba is expected announce at a press conference to be held at pm (local time) in tokyo, japan that they have ended their support of the hd dvd.

Having failed to beat the blu-ray camp, toshiba officially joins em, announcing its first-ever blu-ray player also: toshiba still hasn t given up on its. They tested this with the blu-ray sony vaio vgc-rc and the hd dvd toshiba qosmio g notebook of course it does not make sense to manually sit there and hit print screen. Sony blu-ray + toshiba hd-dvd = next generation? storage. Blu-ray format and phase out a rival standard by toshiba flix inc and best buy co said earlier this week they would also stop selling movies using toshiba s hd-dvd format.

Since the beginning of the format war, blu-ray has been consistently outperforming hd dvd, but never at such a was due to microsoft s hd-dvd marketing propaganda and toshiba s $. Blu-ray vs hd dvd: what s next? this should be the final year for the high-def the hd dvd surge toshiba said today that it will slash prices on hd dvd players and expand. Read the latest news about hd dvd and blu-ray >> hd dvd & blu-ray players toshiba hd dvd player toshiba hd-a hd-dvd player ; toshiba hd-xa hd dvd player.

Uk daily, the guardi s reporting that sony executives have approached toshiba in the last few weeks in an attempt to stave off the brewing next-gen format war dvd recorder.

Sony s blu-ray has finally won the battle of the high-definition dvd formats with toshiba announcing it is to axe its rival hd dvd technology by jemima kiss.

Paramount can defect because a clause in its contract with the hd dvd camp allows the studio to switch to blu-ray if warner bros entertainment inc dropped its support of toshiba.

Toshiba signaled today the final death blows to its hd-dvd format with the release of their first blu-ray player, the bdx according to pany the bdx "delivers high..

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